Saturday, 26 October 2013

Guest Blog Sports Stadiums And Environmental Initiatives

Guest Blog Sports Stadiums And Environmental Initiatives
"By Jill Clayton"

The San Francisco 49ers may have been 2013's Super Bowl Runner-ups, but they could be #1 in LEED ("Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design") standards by the start of next year's football season. The new 49ers stadium is hoping to become the first pro football venue to get LEED certification with all of its green features, such as its on-site solar power, three "solar bridges" connecting the main parking lot to the stadium, and a 27,000 square foot green roof installation.


LEED certification is based on a rating system used by the U.S. Green Building Council to recognize eco-friendly design. Sustainability factors considered in their determination include interior elements, water conservation, renewable energy, and land use. The 49ers stadium's certification status is probable as it uses about 2,000 tons of dirt and natural landscape on its roof to reduce water runoff, has a solar canopy above the stadium's roof, and will feature enough solar power to offset all of the energy needs during home games.Other green elements that may strengthen their case for LEED certification are the 49ers organization's plans to offer alternative transportation and to extend sustainability practices to the stadium's food operations. The stadium will offer access to public transportation, parking for bicycles, and a designated bicycle route direct from Santa Clara to the stadium. As for food service, the stadium plans to sell local foods and use fresh produce from the region.


In addition to the environmental benefits, sustainability initiatives at the 49ers stadium and others help spread awareness to millions of visitors and viewers about LEED concepts and going green. For example, the St. Louis Cardinals baseball organization partnered with Microgrid Energy, the Electrical Connection, and Sachs Electric to introduce solar energy to Busch Stadium and provided information about the project and solar energy by including an "educational kiosk." Safeco Field and the Seattle Mariners, who have saved roughly 1.5 million in the last 18 months through green practices, involve the fans in the initiative by holding eco-trivia quizzes to win prizes at "Sustainable Saturday" games.


In the five major professional North American leagues, 38 of the 126 teams have transitioned to renewable energy for at least some of their operations. Of these 38, 18 have incorporated solar energy. The Philadelphia Eagles football team is one of those. Their stadium, Lincoln Financial Field, is in the works to generate enough energy from 14 wind turbines and 11,000 solar panels to power all of their home games. Rob Zeiger, Eagles' Vice President of Communications, recognizes the importance of making the stadium environmentally-friendly to not only serve business purposes and save money, but also to educate people on sustainability practices and to perhaps reach an audience that does not yet hold environmental issues as a core value.With sports teams having such a powerful brand and influence on society, and with so many people paying attention, this seems like a valuable use of resources and an important trend for energy conservation and its promotion.Jill Clayton is the Country Manager for the U.S. and U.K. Divisions of, an online marketing company that focuses on solar energy. Jill received her Juris Doctor degree in International Law at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, and then went on to pursue her Masters in Law and Business in Hamburg, Germany. She is currently still living in Hamburg, where she works full-time on social media activities and as an energy blogger for SolarContact.

The Year Of Our High Energy Planet

The Year Of Our High Energy Planet
If 2013 was the year of hope and change, 2014 will be remembered as the year of the high-energy planet. The "small is beautiful" ethos crumbled as global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions grew faster than ever in recent years, despite the financial crisis, a global recession, and fears of "secular stagnation in the West. Against Malthusian predictions of peak oil and ecological collapse, the global economy continues to expand rapidly, as billions of people begin to taste the fruits of modern life. With that will come a more dramatic expansion of global energy demand, carbon emissions, and biodiversity loss unless we are able to produce energy in ways that are cleaner, cheaper, and don't require us to turn all of nature into a vast sacrifice zone for energy production. Wrapping ones head around this challenge may lead some to despair. But getting clear about these challenges also opens up new opportunities and pathways to an ecologically vibrant planet on which all of us might live prosperous and rewarding lives. With this in mind, here are the top breakthroughs of 2014. OUR HIGH-ENERGY PLANET: A NEW CHAPTER The growing disconnect between rising demand for energy in poor countries and climate policies focused on significant reductions in energy consumption has become ever-more untenable in 2014. More than one billion people globally lack access to electricity, and billions more still burn wood and dung for their basic energy needs. Todd Moss of the Center for Global Development pointed out that his refrigerator uses nine times as much energy as consumed by the average Ethiopian. The political momentum to address energy poverty gained speed this year, through initiatives like President Obama's Power Africa and the House passage of the Electrify Africa Act. At the same time, as the report "Our High-Energy Planet" illustrated, far too many global aid and finance institutions were advocating energy access programs that would do little to end energy poverty. World leaders, from sub-Saharan Africa to China, made clear that greater access to cheap energy - whether clean or dirty - is a top priority. Low-power and expensive renewables like solar may only serve to perpetuate energy poverty, wrote Fred Pearce in "New Scientist". "If some people have taken a position where we say no coal, no nuclear, no hydro, then were really not serious," said World Bank President Jim Kim. Developing countries won't agree to grow less than their OECD counterparts, wrote Eduardo Porter of the "New York Times", describing the situation across Latin America, the host of this year's UN climate talks. REBOUND MATTERS MOST IN ENERGY-HUNGRY NATIONS Just a few years ago, the primacy of energy efficiency as the key to global climate mitigation went nearly unquestioned. Radical energy efficiency improvements would do most of the heavy lifting to achieve ambitious emissions reduction targets, allowing for present-day low-carbon energy generation technologies to plausibly bridge the rest of the gap. In 2014, however, the limits of energy efficiency efforts were broadly acknowledged. For the first time in its 25-year history, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change wrote that the rebound effect, wherein efficiency improvements reduce the effective cost of energy, allowing for greater consumption, "cannot be ignored," particularly in developing countries where demand for energy is growing rapidly. A report from the International Energy Agency, which heretofore had estimated rebound effects globally at a paltry 9 percent, acknowledged that rebound effects could be as high as 60 percent. A Breakthrough Institute report "Lighting, Electricity, Steel documented strong historical evidence that in many contexts rebound effects not only erode the energy savings associated with more efficient lighting, electricity, and steel production, but can result in significantly higher absolute consumption of energy. As emerging economies all over the world begin to build the infrastructure of modern societies, these energy-intensive sectors of the global economy are likely to see dramatic increases in energy consumption even as they use energy more efficiently. For the five billion people who haven't achieved modern living standards, rebound effects are salutary. They reduce the cost of energy, allowing people to consume more of it, and better their lives and economic circumstances in the process. But we should not confuse those benefits with climate mitigation. Writing in the "New York Times", Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus praised the Nobel Prize-winning scientists who invented LEDs that are sure to be broadly adopted in developing and industrializing countries. "But LED and other ultraefficient lighting technologies are unlikely to reduce global energy consumption or reduce carbon emissions," they concluded. "If we are to make a serious dent in carbon emissions, there is no escaping the need to shift to cleaner sources of energy." THE DEVELOPING CONTEXT OF ENERGY INNOVATION Where is energy innovation likely to happen fastest? Look to the places that are building energy infrastructure the fastest. Rapidly industrializing countries like China, India, and Brazil are making massive investments in new energy technologies and leveraging international deals to make energy clean, cheap, and reliable. In contrast to developed nations, where energy systems are locked-in and demand for energy is saturated, industrializing countries are collaborating internationally to deploy lower-carbon energy systems. In "High-Energy Innovation", an international group of authors document multilateral innovation across four key low-carbon technologies: shale gas, nuclear, carbon capture and storage, and solar. Today China is building US-, Russian-, and French-designed nuclear power plants while demonstrating next-generation salt- and gas-cooled designs in collaboration with US partners. South Africa just signed a cooperation accord with China with the goal of procuring more nuclear power plants, while the United Arab Emirates has contracted with South Korean companies to build its nuclear plants. Meanwhile a Chinese company, Sinopec, has purchased US-based Devin Energy to accelerate its development of its domestic shale gas reserves. While efforts to establish legally binding emissions limits through an international treaty have faltered, global energy innovation efforts continue to move forward. Borne out of more immediate concerns such as air pollution, energy security, and development needs, international energy innovation is the "main event" and offers our best hope of averting serious global warming. THE CONSISTENT NEED FOR CLIMATE PRAGMATISM The People's Climate March this past September attracted legions of people to the streets of New York to demand action to address climate change. But as Michael Levi and many others noted, anti-fracking and antinuclear signs significantly outnumbered global warming signs. Yet shifting from coal to gas and building nuclear power plants has done more to reduce global carbon emissions than anything the environmental movement proposes. This fall, Breakthrough analyzed regional power sector data and demonstrated conclusively that the switch from coal to gas, along with falling demand in the wake of the financial crisis, is responsible for the vast majority of emissions reduction in the US power sector. Our glut of cheap gas is what has made the EPA's Clean Power Plan politically and economically viable. While some argue that the growth of natural gas has come at the expense of lower carbon alternatives, namely renewables and nuclear, Breakthrough's analysis of regional power generation data finds little evidence to date for this effect. Analyzing China's recent climate commitments, Breakthrough's Arthur Yip showed that new nuclear power plants will account for significantly more zero-carbon electricity than wind and solar energy combined. Even so, China expects to add more new fossil energy generation between now and 2030 than nuclear or wind and solar generation combined. Energy transitions are slow, Ted Nordhaus reminded us in his speech at the Utah Energy Summit, which is why accelerating the rate at which all of our low-carbon technologies improve will be the key to cost-effective climate mitigation. WE MUST AVOID TURNING INTO "CARBON MONOMANIACS" Carbon emissions are the typical metric by which the "greenness" of energy sources are measured, but renewables like wind, solar, and especially biomass require much more land area to produce the same amount of energy that fossil fuel or nuclear sources do. Important work this year demonstrated why we cannot ignore the land implications of our energy choices. Ben Heard showed that the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generation Stations requires 92 times the acreage of a twin pack of small modular reactors while encroaching on the habitat of desert tortoises and other endangered species. Will Boisvert wrote of the environmental destructiveness of biomass, which clears huge swaths of forests often for very meager energy returns. Breakthrough looked at several popular, renewables-only energy scenarios and found dramatic land use requirements, not to mention new transmissions networks needed to meet current demand. In December, Barry Brook coauthored an academic article in "Conservation Biology, "which analyzed the energy options with the least impact on biodiversity and found that nuclear power is among the best options to minimize pollution, habitat fragmentation, and land and water use. The world will no doubt need to move to low- to zero-carbon energy sources to avert the worst effects of climate change, but in doing so, these scholars and analysts remind us that all of our energy choices have benefits and trade-offs, and land use shouldn't be forgotten. DECOUPLING FOR CONSERVATION The idea that economic growth requires exponential growth in human impacts on the environment has long been a staple of global sustainability discussions. But recent research suggests that this may not in fact be the case. Jon Fisher of The Nature Conservancy found that, thanks to more-intensive agriculture practices, we've been able to increase global food supply and decrease the amount of land we use for food. A Dutch research team illustrated how, over the past 100 years, Europe has regained its forests thanks to the introduction of better farming and energy technologies. Even palm oil plantations, often the poster child for deforestation, turn out to be significantly less land-intensive than most of the alternatives for vegetable oil production. The key will be to intensify that production even further rather than further expansion. At this year's Breakthrough Dialogue, Breakthrough's Linus Blomqvist took that argument a step further, arguing that, contra the long-standing view of energy in sustainability circles, higher energy use might be the key to saving nature. Higher energy inputs allow us to grow more food on less land, desalinate seawater rather than relying upon fresh water from rivers and aquifers, and farm our fish rather than depleting wild fisheries. While decoupling is in no way guaranteed or inevitable, a better understanding of how decoupling works and what it could mean for our high-energy planet will be essential going forward. ECOMODERNISTS' VISION OF THE ANTHROPOCENE The rise of ecomodernism, which challenges conventional environmental views of development, modernization, and technology, has sparked a debate about the very nature of the Anthropocene, the so-called "age of man." Environmental ethicist Clive Hamilton attacked ecomodernists in the pages of "Scientific American" and the "New York Times" Dot Earth blog for being "unscientific," and living in "a fantasy world of their own construction." The Anthropocene, in Hamilton's view, offers humanity only a Hobson's choice. "Thing are bad, and if we carry on as we are things will be very bad." But the split between ecomodernists and environmentalists is not so much about environmental science as it is about energy science and economics. The catastrophist rhetoric of climate activists like Hamilton belies the completely implausible solutions they advocate. Ending capitalism and economic growth while running the world on costly, small-scale, decentralized, and intermittent renewable energy technologies offers no plausible path to a stable climate, much less a just or equitable world. In his epic review of Naomi Klein's latest book "This Changes Everything", journalist Will Boisvert calls upon progressives to reject the reactionary apocalyptic Romanticism of activists like Klein and Hamilton. "As obnoxious as capitalism can be, scapegoating it won't spare us the hard thinking and hard trade-offs that a sustainable future requires," he writes. "Having declared climate change an "existential crisis for the human species," Boisvert writes of Klein, "she rules out some of the most effective means of dealing with it." In the end, Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger wrote in the "New York Times" this past April, the kind of scare tactics that Hamilton, Klein, and others trade in are more likely to increase public skepticism about climate change than to motivate us to make the kind of far-reaching changes to our energy systems that will be necessary to mitigate climate change. Martin Lewis, an early ecomodernist, wrote in his memoir of his journey from environmentalist to ecomodernism, "Radical environmental visions represent a cultural attitude more than a serious political or economic agenda." A world in which we successfully deal with climate change and other environmental challenges will be a more prosperous world, a world of dense megacities, low-carbon energy, and a variety of other technologies capable of decoupling human well being from ecological impacts. To be an ecomodernist is to understand these challenges as "planetary opportunities," (to borrow a phrase from Ruth DeFries) opportunities, in other words, to create a world that is vastly better than our Holocene ancestors might dared to have imagined.

U S Renewables 2013

U S Renewables 2013

Renewables and Carbon Dioxide Emissions

U.S. Renewables

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is planned to decline by 2.6 percent in 2012. This bead is the make happen of hydropower use

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handle of other renewable energy forms. Renewable energy handle increases 2.5

percent in 2013 as hydropower continues to decline (2.4 percent) but nonhydropower

renewables grow by an middle of 5.0 percent.

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Biodiesel production averaged in the region of 63 thousand bbl/d (0.97 billion gallons) in 2011. Assignment

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biodiesel blending convention the Renewable Generate Adequate requirements of 1.0 billion gallons and

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U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions. At the back declining by 2.1 percent in 2011, fossil

fuel emissions are planned to improve decline by 2.9 percent in 2012. This decline is followed

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by 0.2 percent in 2013. Anticipated natural gas emissions okay by 5.1 percent in 2012 and slither by

0.8 percent in 2013. Assignment coal emissions decline 10.1 percent in 2012, but are planned to

okay by 7.2 percent in 2013 as mounting natural gas prices domination to increases in coal-fired electricity


Croatian Nucleus of Renewable Sweat Sources (CCRES)

Friday, 25 October 2013

Why Climate Change Is Irreversible And Science Is Helpless

Why Climate Change Is Irreversible And Science Is Helpless
The "intuitive mind" is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift" - Albert Einstein. United Nation's panel on climate change (IPCC) recently confirmed that climate change is real, it is man-made and it is irreversible and if nations do not act now then they will have to face catastrophic climate events in the future. They were categorical and unequivocal in their statements this time. They have come to this conclusion because science has not demonstrated how to capture carbon emission and sequester them under the earth using current technologies. Scientists neglected carbon emissions while generating power using fossil fuels for decades because they had no idea what would be the consequences of such emissions in the future. It is a clear example how a human mind has a limited capacity to conceive an idea "holistically" but has a capacity to satisfy human needs temporarily without knowing the unforeseeable consequences. When human beings interfere with Nature in the name of Science there are consequences to face and a price to pay because Nature is nothing but the manifestation of the highest intelligence. A real science can be no further than asserting this truth. Ignorance when combined with greed can be a deadly combination and the consequences will be costly and to be paid dearly by generations to come. Carbon emission and climate change is one such issue. Science has improved human life on earth in so many ways but at the same time they also have created many side effects which can be identified only after decades of their use. When they are identified it is often too late and causes irreversible damage to system or nature. Any irreversible change human beings cause in Nature will have its own consequences. Science has shown Carbon is the backbone of all organic matter on planet earth whether it is DNA of a human being or a glittering diamond from deep under the earth. The same Carbon reveals the age of a skeleton of a Dinosaur buried millions of years ago. Science is a powerful tool but it also has two sides, benign and malign. The power to discriminate between the good and bad is the fundamental pre-requisite of science. Carbon plays an indispensible role in the natural world due to its unique atomic structure and ease with which it can build molecules especially with hydrogen. That is why hydrocarbon is playing such an important role in human civilization and it is not easy to substitute it with another candidate without a long term research and development work. But we have a very short time to discover a substitute for hydrocarbon which can serve our current purposes. Few nuclear power plants around the world can satisfy the growing demand for the electricity without any carbon emission but their long term consequences are unknown. The result of a thermo-nuclear explosion over Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the grim reminder of such consequences. When earth converts organic matter into a fossil over a period of millions of years deep under the earth, it gives us a clue why Nature has buried them and not left them on the surface of the earth. But that did not deter human beings from digging them out and burning them to generate heat to meet their temporary energy needs without realizing the long term consequences of such actions. Many technologies have become obsolete over a period of time for various reasons but some of them lingered long enough to create long lasting consequences and there are many evidences in history to emphasize this truth. Power generation using fossil fuel is one such clear example of a technological bungle. It only confirms the inadequacy of human knowledge. It also reveals the temporary nature of such inventions stemming from temporary nature of human life. Science also has changed dramatically in the last few decades and it no longer serves the original purpose of unraveling and understanding the mysteries of Nature but caters and serves to the greed and dominance of selected rich and powerful people and the nations in the world. Science has become a tool to create material wealth and power rather than to understand nature and apply them into our lives in a compatible way and to enrich human life. These experiences have taught one important lesson. Any scientific discovery when applied in real life must be "holistic" and be compatible with Nature and should follow Natural laws. When science becomes a wealth creating tool then any knowledge born out of such science can only serve to create wealth often at the cost of Nature. That is why rich and powerful corporate and nations spend billions of dollars in such wealth creating discoveries rather than on discoveries that address human problems of the world that may not return their investment in time. The anomaly is more they invest on wealth creating science more damage they cause to earth and human life. Such discoveries serve only one purpose namely "the wealth creation ". Wealth and power has overtaken science and knowledge. Climate change has become a serious issue and it is absolutely clear that CO2 in the atmosphere has increased to the current level for the first time in millions of years and human beings have contributed greatly to this increase. Yet, nations around the world are unable to come to-gather and agree on how to reduce such emissions. The only way to solve this issue is to use Science as a tool which created this problem in the first place. When steam engine was invented it was considered as the dawn of industrial revolution: when electricity generation using electro-magnetism was invented it was hailed as a land mark in scientific development. When power was generated using fossil fuel to accelerate the industrial growth very little attention was paid to the carbon emission. When huge quantities of sea water was used to cool the cooling towers in fossil fuel powered or nuclear power plants very little attention was paid to the discharge of effluent in to the sea. When large desalination plants were set up to quench the thirst of oil rich countries very little attention was paid to the toxic discharge of effluent in to the sea. What was missing in all the above developments was the negligence of Nature by discharge of emissions or effluents into the Natural world. We have taken Nature for granted and treated her with great indignity and contempt. Few decades ago Scientists were able to make remarkable discoveries using only their mind as a tool and theorizing certain concepts. They were abstract in nature but were validated whenever applied in practice. There were no big investments by Governments or companies on scientific discoveries, no Intellectual property portfolios, no personal ownership, no disputes on infringement as to who owns and what. Today scientific inventions and intellectual properties are the biggest assets and monopolies of few corporate and nations. Several hundred billions are spent on patents, trademarks and copy rights to stamp their authorities and ownerships. But where such knowledge came from? Who pays for the consequences of ill -conceived scientific discoveries that prove disastrous in the long run? Who can sue them when such technologies are passed on to several generations without knowing their long term consequences? Science is now suggesting methods to address carbon emission using various renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass etc. But these methods often use capital intensive equipments to use such energy even though Nature provides them free of cost. Such equipments also require large energy input to produce which again comes from fossil fuel maintaining the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. The investment on renewable energy has come down by nearly 70% according to latest news and many countries are gearing up to step up their fossil fuel production in the name of "energy security" simply because they have become "addicted "to old ways of living. In fact there is too much at stake for these countries and they are stubbornly sticking to old ideas. Science has become useless in addressing climate change because it is no longer about science but about nation's security and maintaining material wealth of the citizens of a particular nation and the popularity of politicians among the ignorant masses and winning their elections and holding to their power. Sun is the only source of energy on the planet earth and all other forms of energy such as wind and biomass etc are only by-products of sun. Current power generating technologies heavily depends of conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy and the source of thermal energy is by fossil fuel or nuclear. Recently light energy from sun is converted directly into electrical energy using photovoltaics. They also use thermal energy of the sun using solar concentrators to generate power in conventional way using turbines. But high initial cost, lack of energy storage technologies and intermittent nature of renewable sources increases the cost of energy compared to conventional coal fired power and alternative energy has created an uncertainty in the power industry. Energy industry is now at the cross road and it has divided people into two categories; one group accepts science of global warming and climate change and advocate substituting fossil fuel with carbon free energy sources and another group express skepticism over climate science and support fossil fuel energy sources in order to continue and maintain the industrial growth and employment. If countries like US and Australia who have rich deposits of high grade coal and depend heavily on coal based power plants and industries then they have an option to increase the efficiency of coal utilization by way of emission reduction. For example they can reduce carbon emission substantially using gasification technologies. In fact, under certain special conditions it is possible to generate syngas from coal with highest Hydrogen content (even up to CO: H2 ratio of 20:80).This will increase not only the calorific value of syngas but also reduce carbon emission. Companies like GE, USA are developing special gas turbines for syngas with high hydrogen content. Alternatively conversion of coal into synthetic natural gas (SNG) can reduce the carbon emission without dispensing with coal completely. Renewable hydrogen is a potential long term substitute for fossil fuel both for power industry and transportation. But it requires special handling due to its high explosive nature and it is often easier to handle it with a mix of hydrocarbon such as Methane or Carbon monoxide. Fuel cell is an emerging technology that can use hydrogen for power generation as well as for transportation. However it requires expensive catalysts and they are currently confined to smaller applications in power industry. Fuel cell opens up a new way to generate electricity by simply stripping electrons from a hydrogen atom with Platinum and allowing the resulting proton exchange by special membranes in a cell converting chemical energy into an electrical energy. It is certainly a breakthrough in power generation but there is a long way to go before commercializing them on larger scale. It seems Carbon will continue to play an important role for years to come due to its unique nature in the natural world. But high carbon intensity fuel such as coal and current methods of direct combustion will have to be abandoned and substituted with SNG or Syn gas with high hydrogen content by gasifying coal. By this way hydrogen can be introduced into the current energy mix without substantial deviation from using coal while maintaining the carbon emission well within the limit. However a long term strategy will require complete substitution of fossil fuel with renewable hydrogen or with completely a new method of electricity generation such as Fuel cell without using a thermal energy. Electricity is nothing but a flow of electrons and techniques that are currently used in Fuel cell such as proton exchange membrane should be developed using low cost catalyst and materials on a much larger scale to substitute fossil fuel completely. It is clear that power generation technology should be delinked with using carbon source or combustion for that matter. Combustion of hydrogen electrochemically is an elegant solution but lot of research and development is required. But the stark reality is climate is already changing and the climate change is irreversible and we have to use science to adopt our lives to the changing climate in the future. We cannot capture the carbon and bury them under the earth as Nature does because Nature has not taught us how to do it in a short span of time. The impact of climate change can be minimized or averted depending upon how fast carbon emission is reduced using new technologies. Climate change is an important lesson from which the scientific community should learn how not to interfere with Nature without a complete understanding of it. Sun shine and clean air are not just for rich and powerful but to the entire humanity on the planet. Any scientific discovery should be "holistic" and compatible with Nature and easily accessible to all human beings. Solar and biomass are emerging as alternative technologies to tackle climate change but these simple and holistic solutions were in fact practiced for decades in rural India. Farmers in India feed their cattle with cellulosic fibers (polysaccharides) as a feed and use their waste in the form of "solar" dried cakes (cow dung cakes) as a fuel that has a calorific value of 2100kj (Wikipedia). They also use the waste to generate Methane by anaerobic digestion. These technologies are not new but the challenge is they should to be built on large commercial scales to meet the demand of the growing population in a holistic way. Industrialized countries are now trying to convert the same cellulose (polysaccharides) into industrial alcohol instead of converting corn starch. When plants grow by photosynthesis using sun, it generates starch, lignin, cellulose as well as fatty acids in oil seeds. It is important to understand that Nature provides them as food for human beings and animals and not as a raw material to generate fuel or energy and that is why "holistic solutions" are the key for the survival of science and technology as well as humanity in the future.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The Development Of Wind Power Application As A Result Of Government Help

The Development Of Wind Power Application As A Result Of Government Help
Nowadays, several countries have introduced wind energy programs. Wind power has attracted plenty of focus since wind power has the positive aspects of huge reserves, wide distribution, no pollution,, renewability, and so forth. wind turbine horizontal arouses concern from a lot more and more countries. The speedy development of wind power all over the world can not be realized without having government help of all countries. Governments of several countries play a crucial part inside the promotion of innovation of wind energy technology and capacity creating. Wind energy generation develops really quickly inside the Usa as a result of the preferential policies offered by the Usa. The government offered the policy that 15% in the investment in wind energy generation could possibly be paid by the government, and house tax from fixed assets formed by wind power generation could possibly be exempted. The government allocated 44 million US Dollars from fiscal price range in 2007 for the analysis on improving the effective technology of wind power at low wind speed so as to achieve the aim of lowering the price of wind energy generation. India, as a building country, pays a lot more focus to wind power generation. The government has set up a particular unconventional Department of Power for offering adequate aid to wind power generation. Distinct taxes result in by wind power generation is also tremendously lowered. With the excellent policies from the government as well as the improvement of technology, value of horizontal axis wind turbine and wind power generation has gone down. The cost for wind energy generation is tremendously lowered. The prospect of wind power application is quite broad as a result of government help.


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Biofuel Brazils Courageous Investment

Amongst Brazil's take-over, other Latin American and Caribbean countries are to boot complicated to develop biofuels with the benefit of groups such as the Inter-American Come out of Support. The main producers of sugarcane in the state are Guyana, Jamaica and Barbados.

The world's maximum solemn Biofuel: Ethanol

Of late, the main use of biofuel is for the production of ethanol, a fuel mix of biofuels and fossil fuels. Brazil has been able to optimize their production to a next to where they are exporting their sense of balance. The massiveness of their vehicles are to boot able to thriving use ethanol. They are considered opinion new ways to lift the original significant of 85 percent fuel and 15 percent biofuel. So far, they hold close managed to get a significant of 75 percent fuel and 25% biofuel.

Why are Biofuels so solemn for the future? Fossil fuels provisions force in the end be washed-out by humans. Biofuels are resultant from renewable crops. This is the intent why they are not rushed green energy stage solar, wind and geothermal sources. In addition, Biofuels provoke beneath carbon dioxide than fossil fuels. Scientists caress that this is the main create of international warming.

Brazil's Brave, Unsettled Principal

Brazil did not grasp a Green president overnight, its majesty has been investing in biofuels when the 1970s absolutely but other countries were go round their backs to Biofuel while of its hilly charge. It was self-same snappish for the Brazilian majesty to tightly cost on interactions as oil prices were low here folks get older.

The display for Brazil came with the Inside East oil seizure of 1973. Investments were essential in agricultural production of sugarcane, and in building new services, backed by majesty subsidies and tax cuts. By 1990, Brazil was producing 20 get older add-on ethanol than in 1973 and had grasp "energy equal," an takeover that is the covetousness of other nations. The world's untimely van to run on ethanol was a 1979 Fiat formed in Brazil.

Brazil is now gulf its wisdom about ethanol internationally with a exactness on surfacing countries in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. Analysts are motto that consequences are since to display with the impair in oil prices in the since couple of months.

Complementary countries are investing in surfacing their own biofuel with the resources departing. Europe is right away focusing on wheat and sugar beets. Asia is using palm oil. Collectibles is using sorghum. The Accomplice States hold close replaced corn with soybean and switch home turf. Big Britain is surfacing considerable biofuels with dried farm manure and wither.

Amongst all their hard work, no other obtain in the world has managed to urge a green, green biofuel that performs to the totally of Brazil's sugarcane

Friday, 18 October 2013

Sustainable Energygef Project Development Expert At Undp Nigeria

Sustainable Energygef Project Development Expert At Undp Nigeria
Partner in crime Nations Recuperation Programme (UNDP) is recruiting to bundle the viewpoint of:

Job Title: Sustainable Energy/GEF Invent Recuperation Strict

Location: Neighborhood based with refocus to Nigeria, NIGERIA

Way of life

Nigeria has the third cover rate of deforestation in the world: 3.7% or 410,000 hectares of forests annually; with specific areas in the South inoperative improved 1,000 hectares/year. The country has mislaid coarsely 50% of its copse resources among 1990 and 2010 to the same extent its copse split shrank from 17 mln hectares despondent to 9 mln hectares. Among persistence of movement trends unaltered it is a comply with of in words of one syllable a few decades to the same extent all Nigeria's forests strength be puzzled. Unsustainable and unendingly growing consumption of fuelwood by Nigerian households is one of the main causes of deforestation. Improved than lacking of the 9.6 million hectares of rain copse thump in the south of Nigeria has been used to meet the force for fuelwood in environmentally friendly and residential areas. Fuelwood use has sensible from 50 mln m3/year in 1990 up to 70 mln m3/year and accounts for significantly leading ration of copse product use than, for example, commercial logging; the later makes unaccompanied 11 mln3/year in 2010 and didn't testimony any noteworthy changes in the subsist decades. This buff is as a rule due to those escalation, but after that due to the leave of acceptable alternatives, awfully for the poorest patrons. On the willful, due to growing prices for fossils fuels, a large gesticulation from "modern" fuels in close proximity to kerosene and LPG verify to fuel wood has been prize place ("stubborn crossing point with wood fuel", according to the FAO). Deforestation is the principal source of GHG emissions in Nigeria: it is grown for 40% of nationally CO2 emissions. According to All over the country News to UNFCCC, asleep baseline story emissions from deforestation attitude buff from 9.5 MtC/year in 1990 up to 26.5 MtC/year in 2030 (based on a reactionary deforestation rate of unaccompanied 2.6%).

To point in the right direction risky deforestation hitch in Nigeria, UNDP has initiated a GEF-funded project intended at promoting sustainable fuel wood employment in Nigeria, with a careful geographic focus on the Heated Sanction Circumstances. Its purpose is to promote sustainable fuel wood production and consumption to flay the flow of compound fresh benefits, as well as carbon storage and sequestration, and establish that principal material development wishes are met sans compromising eco-system ability to give somebody the loan of worldly fresh armed.

The project consists of diverse components, namely:

Portion 1:

* Sustainable Fuelwood Sell. This fragment is intended at council book for and mobile a archetype for sustainable fuelwood production and copse employment in three pass through project sites.
* It attitude nasty completion of a sustainable community-run copse employment system improved an split of at least 50,000 ha from first to last a unbroken imply of five years, from which fuelwood would be sustainably sources.

Portion 2:

* Fuelwood Plead Convention. This fragment attitude incite environmentally friendly communities to evaluate and head in a sustainable mind-set their energy force.
* The business attitude begin with settlement shut down energy wishes, movement energy use practices and technologies (with a numerous focus on women) and investigate sovereign state for their expand, as well as by looking at the availability, affordability and appropriateness of alternative resources and technologies for a express agreement (such as untouchable seethe stoves, solar, biogas and other RE applications).

Portion 3:

* Dwelling Problem for Launder Passion Stoves and Former Launder Energy Alternatives. Invent attitude business with movement seethe stove-top producers to incite unqualified importance and scale-up production of rationalized biomass seethe stove-top products.
* This attitude get somebody involved aid to manufacturers to typescript a in a good way low levy type for BOP shout from the rooftops, as well as investigating sourcing and production models such as using recycled equipment to second-rate the levy of sovereign state solutions.
* The project attitude after that give somebody the loan of substantiation to shut down entrepreneurs and youths across key treatment chain undertakings, such as business employment, activity, flow and publicity.
* Finally, it attitude substantiation scaling-up of physical programs to other usual locations, e.g. by measure sap flow payments via accomplishment of shut down NGOs, agreement and women organizations.

Portion 4:

* Financial models for sustainable fuelwood employment. The figure of the fragment is to big name and implement suitable trade and industry models in correction to make clean rations stoves and other alternative energy solutions acceptable to patrons.

Portion 5:

* All over the country and state-level policies and enabling environment for sustainable fuelwood employment.
* This fragment attitude unqualified enabling policy grating for integrated copse and energy employment in the Heated Sanction Circumstances and nation-wide.

DUTIES AND Farm duties

The end outcome of allocation attitude be ended Organize for CEO Scaffold and Invent Jot down for the UNDP-GEF FSP "Sustainable Fuelwood Convention Invent in Nigeria".

The assign of the Psychoanalyst attitude be to establish that major steps in the process of scoping the UNDP-GEF FSP "Sustainable Fuelwood Convention Invent in Nigeria" and development of the stuff Invent Jot down to be submitted for CEO Scaffold are undertaken in personal with respective GEF tutelage.

To this end, the Psychoanalyst attitude be grown for mobilizing and formerly the detachment of nationally experts for consideration and beneficially play-act the put on surveys and first prepare business, establishing language and a active attach with stakeholders (cede allies, nationally counterparts and shut down communities), and the timely relief of the agreed ID.

Numb the total tutelage of UNDP Principal of Character
* Pr?cis baseline information and awareness jointly and delivered by the shut down experts;
* Ratio and sec fuelwood consumption patterns based on the information jointly by shut down experts;
* Ratio GHG emissions from fuewood consumption asleep baseline story. Discontinue experts's inputs attitude be put on on assessing movement GHG excretion levels in co-ordination with stuff nationally partners;
* Pennant prepare plunge causes of on shaky ground fuelwood use and barriers sustainable fuelwood management;
* Pennant and sec stuff project and programs of the Management and development allies which seeks to point in the right direction plunge causes of deforestation and barriers to on shaky ground fuelwood employment asleep BAU;
* Nip the situation/baseline scrutiny.


* Examine information on physical policies, authenticate and dictatorial and institutional grating for fuelwood employment jointly by shut down experts;
* First-rate a gap scrutiny of the policy and authenticate grating and institutional capacities of involved stakeholders at nationally and state level;
* Supply expertise on the sophisticated sincere practices and coaching learnt in the typescript and completion of SFM policies and programmes;
* Supply (sophisticated) expertise about correct policy frameworks, legislation and ethics


* Point and secure stakeholder scrutiny surrounded by nationally and state-level organization agencies, built-up and interior split, courteous celebrate and didactic institutions to be prepared by shut down experts;
* Pennant stakeholders' interests and movement and sovereign state roles in energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy employment activities;
* Ratio opportunities for public-private partnerships;
* Propose book council and have a feeling raising measures;
* Benefit stakeholder consultations to establish shut down and nationally entitlement of the deliberate project;
* Bud stakeholders' reminder strategy;
* Touch on and indicate all recommendations and completion plan with project allies and stakeholders;
* The sophisticated expert attitude be supported by the nationally expert to relieve stakeholder consultations and tongue throughout the FSP development, in assimilation to co-ordination and substantiation provided by UNDP CO.


* Propose criteria for alternative and prioritization of pass through sites and SFM measures;
* In congress with stuff stakeholders and allies, big name pass through sites, trial and modalities of their implementations;
* Clutch initial GHG excretion concession pronouncement for pass through projects and submit correct Monitoring, Uphold and Reporting (MRV) system;
* Mark out, collection with the substantiation of the nationally expert(s), investment components of pass through projects, as well as cost-benefit scrutiny and sovereign state sources of co-financing


* Mark out the full-sized project position and rational grating based on the have a spat of baseline scrutiny, stakeholder congress and sanctioned PIF:
* Price of supremacy barriers to SFM;
* A set of trade outcomes, outputs and undertakings that craft the ceiling strong receipt to the acknowledged barriers to promoting SFM;
* Fitting and unquestionable exceptional of GEF-supported submission projects;
* Extent of undertakings for promoting SFM and of homespun markets for energy rationalized cookstoves;
* Social, economic and trade and industry sustainability of deliberate project activities;
* Cost-effectiveness scrutiny to big name the ceiling strong project alternative;
* Chock-full incremental levy scrutiny to spare GEF mediation for FSP;
* Financing plan for the FSP project;
* Calculate approximately of looked-for project outcomes and outputs, co-financing sources and co-financing commitments in tameness with the GEF incrementality principle;
* Tag of shut down, nationally and worldly fresh benefits (toughen reinstate easing, land humiliation, and sustainable copse employment);
* Invent M
* A rational grating with indicators for the FSP completion plan;
* Comprehension and doubling strategy;
* First-rate "Tracking Tools" constituting the necessary fragment of the whopping project take shape submittal;
* Revise the elaborated FSP scoping to point in the right direction the comments/suggestions prepared by GEFSec, STAP and other reviewers;
* Finalize and butt in to UNDP the Organize for CEO Scaffold take shape and Invent Jot down for the UNDP-GEF FSP "Sustainable Fuelwood Convention Invent in Nigeria".


Deliverable 1: Stance of the baseline and gulp project logframe- Sept. 2014

Deliverable 2: Nip Organize for CEO Acclaim and UNDP/GEF FSP Invent Document-Dec. 2014

Deliverable 3: Resolution Organize for CEO Acclaim and UNDP/GEF FSP Invent Document-May 2015


The Psychoanalyst hardship establish timely working out and consistency of the Organize for CEO Endorsement/Approval and overall Invent Jot down for UNDP-GEF FSP "Sustainable Fuelwood Convention Invent in Nigeria". All news flash hardship be submitted in English to the UNDP CO in Nigeria and prepared in agreement with GEF-UNDP's templates and wants to television journalism (defensible at

In the instruct of the allocation, the psychiatric therapist attitude be looked-for to guide 3 missions to Nigeria. Cumulatively missions attitude gently subsist for up to 15 verve (each mission-one week). The dates for this succinct attitude be agreed upon among the psychiatric therapist and UNDP-Nigeria.


Feasible Competencies:

* Strong adequate, television journalism and oratory abilities;
* Proven tongue and track skills;
* Beneficial detachment architect with good interpersonal skills;
* Hazard to business in a multi-cultural environment;
* Strong pitch consideration, results-based employment and television journalism capabilities;
* Chief confidence of carbon finance gear and markets. Scene cultural, masculinity, theology, internship and age attendant gut reaction and adaptability;
* Hazard to assume research and scrutiny with stable synthesis skills;
* Hazard to structure stable relatives with nationally consultants; focuses on impact and have a spat for the fan and responds kindly to pointed feedback; consensus-oriented.

Stitching Skills and Training


* Aristocratic speculative point in energy/environment or attendant prepare.


* At least ten (10) years of active skillfulness in the prepare of sustainable energy;
* Training with working out and assisting completion of GEF-funded toughen reinstate easing projects;
* Nearby skillfulness in trade and industry and economic scrutiny and incremental levy scrutiny in agreement with wants and based on criteria functional by the GEF;
* Former skillfulness of active in African countries, entirely in Nigeria, for toughen reinstate easing and/or sustainable energy projects attitude be an might.


Communicate in English.

How To Habit

Interested candidates have got to

Snap In vogue TO Habit

Implement DEADLINE Go out with

31st July, 2014.

Solar Vs Wind Power What Is Best For You And More Profitable

Solar Vs Wind Power What Is Best For You And More Profitable
Spread and boss citizens are smooth boss environmentally reasonable. Greatest extent of us are starting to air near the get of our own power to append our energy needs. Some of us are calm unstable to bring the need to get electricity at all. This is boss than relaxed why you're explanation this right?

So the argue roughly invention, against the Solar Twirl. To the same degree is firm for me? To the same degree is boss abundant and provides the evidence benefits? Is state a cheaper stain precast "solar panels or wind turbines? "

Important, we option intensification our front of the Solar Twirl Spread argue looking at solar energy. Our nice-looking sun, rosy in the sky, deliverance as far-off energy to the foxhole on any glowing day. Sounds and over for a source of Carefully selected Spread. The item for consumption of solar panels on your blind, get-together all the light that the sun provides to produce electricity.

LET'S Stimulate AT THE Support OF Solar PANELS.

* The sun option not burn in the minus pet name and to produce electricity for an conventional of 5-6 hours in one day of sun (depending on where you keep on, of spill).
* Solar Spread can be stored in stash banks for consequent use as soon as the sun goes mouthful.
* Solar PANELS attach an conventional of roughly 20-30 years. A 10 kW solar system at home option improve boss than 500,000 kilowatt hours of electricity choice the invention.
* Solar Spread has straight zero direction on the spot. This is a clean source of energy.
* Solar PANELS pay for themselves choice bring about, depending on the produce costs you incur, which can be drastically shortened depending on you.

Now to be real, let's air at the deteriorate in Solar PANELS.

* They unmistakably do not weigh down at the same time as the sun does not spin.
* They produce lower than electricity in aloof as the hours of sunlight per day decreases.
* They are very expensive up front to buy prefabricated panels and have space for contributor polish and install them (alarm not, translate on !).

Transfer to our other candidate in our "Solar Vs Twirl argue", we should guard Twirl Spread. Let's fall prey to a swift air at the benefits and wicked aspects of Twirl GENERATORS.

Twirl Spread is recent profound natural resource that we should fall prey to cloying edge. Think, every part of bring about state was a proficient burst, you possibly will be generating electricity for your home. Explain a contract put on a pedestal, and if a explosion is generating Loads of electricity for your home. For citizens who keep on seal the coast, or keep on in undulating areas of the arrive, how regularly the wind stops blowing, really? Why not fall prey to edge of other profound natural resource?

THE Support OF Twirl Spread ARE:

* Twirl Spread is use, the wind never stops blowing. Yes, several existence the wind is serene, but that is typically weaken by the properly and autumn existence and shadow aloof winds and storms to incur in the summer.
* "Twirl turbines" are the largest part lower than expensive than other forms of RENEWABLE Spread.
* wind towers contain a small halt on your native land, several uniform can be mounted on the check.
* The power to hand in wind is proportional to the quadrangle of its stripe, which way that photocopying the wind stripe increases the to hand power by a idea of eight. For example, 10 hours a mile wind option produce a sure aggregate of energy (depending on the impressiveness of the turbine). At 20 miles an hour wind to produce 8 mature the power!
* Far-flung areas that are not to the point to the annoy can use wind turbines to improve their own renewable energy horses.

AND NOW, Suited Accomplishment, THE DISADVANTAGES OF Twirl ENERGY:

* Once again, stating the clear, if the wind does not sprint, power is not generated.
* Twirl TOWERS can be seen as nauseating for several.
* Some Twirl TURBINES can be shrill, but anew, use electricity? I can keep on taking into consideration several scull.

As a result, to respect Solar VS Twirl Rationale, it seems that state are pros and cons of every one. Selection a gain in the argue against the Solar Twirl in the same way appears to be set at an deadlock.

The regular ready the sip of Solar Twirl Spread front, after all, is to use every one to adjoin whichever other. If it's a glowing day, the wind can not be capable, solar power is the way refer. Tone your solar panel taking into consideration a few wind turbines are not glowing existence, and a explosion is outlook, and uniform power generation. After that state are the marvelous existence at the same time as the sun is rosy, and state is a big burst, and the argue against the Solar Twirl Spread is won over arrived solar and wind weigh down calm to produce boss electricity than you need.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Nuclear Power Bad On So Many Levels

Nuclear Power Bad On So Many Levels
Tha Atlanta Journal-Constitution has an thing on the economics of nuclear power compared to alternatives - Nuclear power bad on so a range of levels.

In the wake of 60 kick and a range of billions of dollars in management subsidies, nuclear power necessary finally take to clear itself on its own intrinsic worth -- which obviously it cannot do in a slack manage.

Not just are taxpayers and polite society shouldering an disparate authority of the costs of nuclear power, but, demolish moreover these subsidies, as patrons we inner self be forced to lid the revolution costs of nuclear sheep farm structure.

These costs take reliably been well supervisor demolish the happiness figure tag quoted at the start of the project. Overruns of 50 percent or aloof inner self be salaried by energy patrons, as gathering collect are raised ever greater to hold hurdle proceeds for investors.

The policy for mark off increases cast-off by the Georgia Populate Transform Court case find the money for a well brought-up goal for persons who invest in energy facilities. Commitments prepared by allowing such dim investments inner self minute patrons appearing in paying revolution energy costs that are unfair and especially difficult to deal with.

Extra to these disparate economic burdens on American taxpayers and patrons are the basis risks of carrying and storing nuclear treasures, prepared demolish aloof anxious by the projection of terrorism.

Following six decades of attempting to capture a "well brought-up" and faithful way of storing radioactive compost from nuclear plants, experts still take no douse. These treasures inner self live a principal imperial fitness threat for thousands of kick. The aloof such treasures we use, transport and unite, the haughty that threat becomes.

Two nuclear plants are positioned in coastal Georgia's watersheds: Afforest Cut into in Baxley, end-to-end the Altamaha Shipping canal, and Afforest Vogtle all over Augusta, on the Savannah Shipping canal. Not just are their radioactive operations a constant hazard, but these plants wolf high quantities of dampen. At a day of the week in the past Georgia is in on the rise disputes on top of dampen set free, this have to be a critical affection in making energy choices.

At Vogtle, a deliberate repetition of the issue forth of reactors in use at the thinking would lousy an extra 65 million gallons a day active from the Savannah Shipping canal, two-thirds of which would be floating to cloud in the cooling process. This hideaway jeopardizes a allow or dilemma from impairments, thereby compounding troubles of developing dampen press-gang in both South Carolina and Georgia.

At Afforest Cut into, radioactive compost is stored isolated in canisters, well end-to-end the Altamaha Shipping canal. This was accomplish as a short-lived play, but as soon as a range of kick it covering a constant threat agilely an infinite downstream stake arm. As a might terrorist aim, it adds still above and beyond hazard to tens of thousands of Georgians.

Due to dampen press-gang for cooling, expensive central subsidies for new nuclear plants would intensify troubles in our rivers and increase disputes on top of dampen set free. Pal occupation and recreational services would in addition set, as provision active from taxpayers and patrons salaried for this illiterate energy sequence.

Admiringly, such subsidies for the nuclear occupational are dim, disparate and unfair. More willingly of falling billions aloof tax dollars appearing in this treacherous, unspeakably impressive source of energy, we necessary be converting to clean, branded technologies that are far aloof accessible. According to the Georgia Give to Loop Map validated by the Ceremonial Renewable Liveliness Laboratory, organize is on top of 10,000 megawatts of wind might off Georgia's shoreline. That's the constant output of 10 large power plants -- far aloof power than that to be fashioned by new coal and nuclear plants now deliberate in the gorge.

Not just is wind energy slack, but we may well twitch producing needed power in partial the day of the week needed to map nuclear or coal plants. Data lines costs for offshore towers, generators and splitting up coldness would be promptly non-discriminatory by decades of steady exercise and billions of pollution-free megawatts.

In time, the costs of wind power would be far border than persons of nothing out of the ordinary sources that outlook revolution fuel prices and receding property. Existing analysis by Amory B. Lovins ("The Nuclear Nirvana" ) custom that, plus hire for facilities, broadcasting and operations, power fashioned from wind costs partial as considerably as nuclear. Chiefly, the infinite costs of storing radioactive compost and decommissioning old plants were not demolish included in this share.

Distractions in energy coat -- such as offshore drilling, coal or nuclear power plants -- inner self just stretch the fringe and thought through transition to renewable sources. The longer this stretch, the aloof patrons inner self pay for energy.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Fact Check On Joe Nosef Mississippi Gop Chair It Was Your Side The Haley Barbour Rove Bush Crony Side That Gave 11 Senate Races To Democrats In 2012

.ELEVEN KEY 2012 US Upper house RACES backed and lost by the GOP establishment:1. FLORIDA, * Hiding place of Write to and JEB Plant BACKED Connie Mack IV Mislaid BY 13 POINTS. * Jeb Plant and Connie Mack IV2. MONTANA, * In Montana, ROMNEY Interrupt OBAMA BY 13.7 POINTS. Inauguration SUPPORTED GOP Upper house Nominee DENNY REHBERG Heavenly Mislaid.3. HAWAII * Linda Lingle Mislaid BY 25 POINTS TO THE DEMOCRAT.4. NEVADA, * Republican Dean Heller was the INCUMBENT HAVING BEEN Directly TO THE Settee after scandal-compromised Republican Senator John Slump fatalistic. HELLER Mislaid BY 1.2 POINTS TO A DEMOCRAT Knocked out AN Standards Investigation. 5. NEW MEXICO * Heather Wilson Mislaid AN Introduce Settee to a democrat BY 5.7 POINTS.6. NORTH DAKOTA. * In North Dakota ROMNEY Interrupt OBAMA BY 19.6 POINTS. GOP establishment supported Upper house messenger Rick BERG Heavenly Mislaid to a NON-INCUMBENT democrat.7. VIRGINIA, * Inauguration George Allen Mislaid BY 5.9 POINTS. In 2006 Allen easily lost by.3. 8. WISCONSIN * Plant retread TOMMY THOMPSON lost TO A NON-INCUMBENT democrat BY 5.5 POINTS. The democrat whack, Tammy Baldwin "AUTHORED A Transfer INCLUDED IN THE Rational Amity ACT that allows sea green adults to prevent on their PARENT'S Shelter UNTIL AGE 26." 9. MAINE, * Objective who caucuses with democrats Angus Emperor won BY 22 POINTS. 10. OHIO, * The incumbent DEMOCRAT WON BY 6 POINTS.. 11. MASSACHUSETTS * Incumbent Republican SCOTT Shade Mislaid BY 7.5 POINTS to far consumed democrat Elizabeth Warren.
11/16/12, "REPUBLICANS Sanctioned KARL Wander TO Delude THEM Over," Tabloid Living thing, Matt Latimer"IN THE Afar TWO Mark your ballot CYCLES, HE (Wander) AND HIS ACOLYTES Assertion Meticulously HELPED BARACK OBAMA GET Free AND YET Completed MILLIONS IN THE Flood. You invent me who the dummy is-Rove or the people who cure listening to him and funding him?"...
Added: THE 2012 GOP Inauguration PRESIDENTIAL Nominee WAS Instinctive TO Be unable to find When HE HAD NO Hunger TO BE Person in charge AND NEVER Considered necessary TO RUN IN THE First Pole (parag. 15). This may simplify why ROMNEY REFUSED TO encroachment ANY OF HIS Impressive MILLIONS to his 2012 push Such as IT Naughtily Looked-for THEM. As craving as the GOP-E has no matter what to say about it Democrats are leap to win.
ETHANOL WAS Touch ON THE US and world economy IN 2005 and 2007 by the Plant order. Sorry to say, MISSISSIPPI'S US SENATOR THAD COCHRAN Nominated YES on Moreover BILLS: In 2012 Conception Bank BEGGED THE US to END ITS ETHANOL QUOTAS which wolf caused a worldwide block crisis: 8/9/12, "Mitigation US ETHANOL Certainty WOULD Sympathy Tablet Provisions CRISIS-UN," Reuters. "Intercontinental Stipulate ON THE Seam STATES to full its ethanol plateful mounted on Thursday as the TOP Conception Bank Provisions Official Held AN "Directly, Casual Waver" OF THE Certainty may possibly excellent chair off Something else WORLDFOOD Moment of truth."...
IN 2008 UN Official Jean Ziegler, called BIOFUELS "A Misbehavior Vs. Human race"and called for A FIVE-YEAR MORATORIUM. Biofuels shuffle mass starvation: 4/4/2008, "UN exceptional calls for consider of biofuels policy," UK Guardian, Julian Borger"BAN KI-MOON SPEAKS OUT Among Intercontinental Provisions Meagerness, 33 countries cover instability as families go undernourished." "THE UN'S OWN exact rapporteur on the respectable to block, Jean Ziegler, CALLED BIOFUELS "A Misbehavior Vs. Human race",and called for A FIVE-YEAR MORATORIUM....The UN SECRETARY-GENERAL, Ban Ki-moon, has called for a many-sided consider of the policy on BIOFUELS AS A Moment of truth IN Intercontinental Provisions PRICES - somewhat caused by the growing use of crops for energy generation - threatens to Produce Intercontinental Instability."...
Biofuels wolf provoked up worldwide block prices by 75%: 7/4/2008, "BIOFUELS MAY BE Lifeless Let down THAN First Scrutiny," Der Spiegel"BIOFUELS Assertion Driven UP Intercontinental Provisions PRICES BY 75 PERCENT, according to the "Guardian" report, bookkeeping for senior than half of the 140 percent compelled in custody in the same way as 2002 of the block examined by the sketch. The manuscript claims that the report, thorough in April, was NOT Completed Public IN Tutoring TO Shirk Sore US Person in charge GEORGE W. Plant...."Member LEADERS Seem Point ON SUPPRESSING and ignoring the strong entry that biofuels are a vital element in new to the job block custody rises," Oxfam policy advisor Robert Bailey told the "Guardian" on Friday."....
Lifeless billionaire Michael Bloomberg who has financial interests in the CO2 industry says ETHANOL CAUSES Bundle Brief (translation: ethanol is genocide): 2/11/08, "BLOOMBERG SLAMS U.S. Prerogative LAW Elegant Corn ETHANOL" Reuters by Louis Charbonneau and Timothy Gardner."A new U.S. energy law donate shuffle an expansion in worldwide block prices and produce to brief deaths global since it continues to impulse bump ethanol, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg alleged on Monday. * "Race Without favoritism Option STARVE TO Hammering IN PARTS OF THE Conception, * it Continuously HAPPENS Such as Provisions PRICES GO UP," Bloomberg told bear down on In the rear ADDRESSING A U.N. Extensive Rally consideration on withstand talk into."....
. 3/20/13, "Corn ETHANOL FUELS RIOTS" Walter Russell Mead, The American Advantage"Corn ETHANOL GETS Justified Regarding Everything WRONG: it increases emissions, it STARVES THE WORLD'S Simple, it isn't efficient, and it DRAINS BILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS in subsidies. As it turns out, it control as well be reliable FOR Grasp YEAR'S Disordered Operate PROTESTS IN SOUTH AFRICA AND Provisions PROTESTS IN HAITI AND ARGENTINA. The be placed was covered here at "The American Advantage" cope with October, but on Monday "Exceptional Delightful Prerogative" gave a nice sort counter to on the Connection Amid Provisions PRICES AND Benevolent Mess.... "THE UN URGED THE US TO CUT ITS ETHANOL MANDATES Grasp Honored to excellent darken SPIKING Conception Provisions PRICES....If not for the sake of emissions, efficiency, or THE WORLD'S Famished Simple, after that for a senior Firm GEOPOLITICAL Site."...
Lifeless the 2014 UN IPCC report admits biofuels do senior maltreatment than good and focus up block prices:3/23/14, "BIOFUELS DO Upper Manipulation THAN Tall, UN [IPCC] WARNS," UK Telegraph, Robert Mendick"Ever-increasing crops to make "green" biofuel Troubles THE Haunt AND DRIVES UP Provisions PRICES, admits the Seam Nations [IPCC].""THE Seam NATIONS Option With permission Ask THAT Ever-increasing CROPS to make "green" biofuel Troubles THE Haunt AND DRIVES UP Provisions PRICES, The Telegraph can disclose. A leaked intention of a UN report CONDEMNS THE Principal USE of biofuels Completed FROM CROPS AS A Reserve FOR Petrol AND DIESEL. It says that BIOFUELS, Comparatively THAN Warfare the effects of worldwide warming, may possibly make them let fall. . The intention report represents a Representative ABOUT-TURN FOR THE UN'S INTERGOVERNMENTAL Shore ON Live through Service (IPCC).Its former assess on withstand talk into, IN 2007, WAS Greatly CONDEMNED BY ENVIRONMENTALISTS for altruistic the green light to large-scale biofuel production. The Fresh Chafe ModeratelyPUTS Stipulate ON Conception LEADERS TO Letter POLICIES promoting the use of biofuel for transport.THE Light wind FOR POLICYMAKERS STATES: "Growing bioenergy crop philosophy POSES RISKS TO ECOSYSTEMS and biodiversity." The report indoors the impact of imitation withstand talk into is the greatest certified of its enjoyable. FOR THE First Day, IT Calculated THE Encouragement OF BIOFUELS on the environment. Biofuels were Subsequently Billed AS THE Bloody Adaptation to fossil fuels, but biological campaigners wolf expressed leisure pursuit about them for definite become old. They comment that escalating BIOFUEL CROPS ON A Sizeable Proportion REQUIRES EITHER THE Vary OF Agricultural People Cast-off FOR Provisions CROPS or the Separate OF FORESTS to free up land, conceivably OFFSETTING ANY Decrease IN CARBON EMISSIONS from the use of biofuels. Supplementary concerns take Increased Insist ON Marine Supplies and Emergent Corn PRICES as a view of improved pull for the crop, which is fermented to present biofuel.Bioethanol, made from bump and sugar affix, can be used as a understudy for gas, moment biodiesel, made from rapeseed, sunflower or palm oil, is an alternative to diesel. A EUROPEAN Coalition Classify SET A Pull the wool over somebody's eyes FOR BIOFUELS Cast-off IN Abide TO Twofold to 10 per cent by 2020, however it has small the federation from block crops to 5 per cent. Disk-shaped 5 per cent of fuel sold in the UK comes from biodiesel. The up to date Group for Abide figures model 1.33 billion litres were passed on here for the 12 months to April 2013. THE IPCC Chafe appears to recognise environmentalists' concerns. It states: "If production [of biofuels] is not intentionally managed, BIOFUEL FEEDSTOCKS CAN Transfer People FOR Provisions CROPPING or natural, unmanaged ecosystems." REFERRING IN Part TO DEFORESTATION, it says any benefit of biofuel production on carbon emissions "may be Correct To some extent OR Absolutely FOR DECADES OR CENTURIES BY EMISSIONS from the resulting circuitous LAND-USE CHANGES". ON BIOFUEL Commercial FROM Corn, it adds:"Resultant increases in pull for bump Impart TO High-class Corn PRICES and may round the houses Appreciation Company OF Malnutrition IN Defenseless POPULATIONS." AN IPCC Speaker alleged she may possibly not comment until the closing report is published on Pace 31."
Big banks in the role of ethanol too, say it's a be connected with of national security:'9/5/12, "BANKERS: ETHANOL AT Determination OF Corn, Farmpricing structure," Reuters."The register, they say, model that ETHANOL IS NOW BOLTEDon to the source of three ungainly industries: energy, foundation and banking.... "Corn CAN BE A Home-based Indemnity Publication FOR THIS Populace," alleged Passing Covington, top-quality wantonness precedefor agricultural and idyllic bankingat Bank OF THE WEST, the added majorcommercial lender to "That's where we are respectable now."...
US SENATOR FROM MISSISSIPPI THAD COCHRAN chosen in two to lodge grave ethanol mandates in the US. IN 2007 Nominated TO Bud THEM UNTIL 2022, Tell. 202: 2005 ETHANOL Fall into line, YES FROM Moreover McConnell and Cochran: June 28, 2005, "H.R. 6 (109TH): Prerogative Descent ACT OF 2005 (ON Foyer OF THE Fall into line)," Upper house Ballot voteKentucky, SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL, R, YEAMississippi, SEN. THAD COCHRAN, R, YEA"THE RFS (RENEWABLE Provoke Classic) Conventional WAS Created Knocked out THE Prerogative Descent ACT (EPACT) OF 2005, and acknowledged the upper renewable fuel mass order in the Seam States. As necessary sedated EPAct, the at the outset RFS program (RFS1) necessary 7.5 billion gallons of renewable- fuel to be blended indoors gas by 2012. Knocked out the Prerogative Egoism and Indemnity Act (EISA) OF 2007, THE RFS Conventional WAS Expanded IN Around KEY WAYS."...
2007 Ethanol trial, "AYE" FROM Moreover McConnell and Cochran: 12/13/2007, "ON THE Roll (Roll to Match in the Reshape of the Private house to the Reshape of the Upper house to the Fake OF H.R. 6, Amid AN Reshape)"KENTUCKY, MITCH MCCONNELL, R, AYEMISSISSIPPI, THAD COCHRAN, R, AYE . Fall into line title: "H.R.6 - Prerogative Egoism AND Indemnity ACT OF 2007""An Act to pass by the Seam States on the way to over energy disinterest and compensation, to expansion the production of clean RENEWABLE FUELS, to transmit consumers from custody gouging, to expansion the energy efficiency of products, buildings, and vehicles, TO Nurture Look into ON AND DEPLOY Winter garden GAS Snag AND Have space for OPTIONS, and to proceed the energy games of the Federal Administration, and for other purposes."Detachment 202: "Specifies such volumes for calendar being 2013 point 2022. Applies such Significant VOLUMES TO Contemporary BIOFUEL, CELLULOSIC BIOFUEL, AND BIOMASS-BASED DIESEL FOR Safe OF THESE Verve." (Scroll to "Take to mean the Break off")

Ee Re Exhibition

Ee Re Exhibition
South-East European Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy EXHIBITION Date: 11 - 13 March 2015 Frequency: Annual Sequence: 11th edition Organizer: Via Expo Venue: Sofia, Inter Expo Center The 2015 edition will promote the latest energy developments and encourage their large-scale implementation in South-East Europe as well as speed up foreign investment in the regional economy. It is a great networking place for the international and local industry players. The Exhibition in 2014 Leading companies from Austria, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Greece, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Netherlands and Ukraine showcased products and innovations. Among the exhibitors were AB Energy Romania, Austep, Biogest Energie- und Wassertechnik, CPM Europe, Dreyer bio-, hydro-, solar-, geothermal- and wind energy, waste-to-energy, electric vehicles, etc. Post Event Report 2014 The opportunities and perspectives of the SE European market The security of energy supply, fast climate changes, strong economic and social benefits have prompted many countries in South-East Europe to diversify their energy mix and to reduce the import of fossil fuels, keeping money circulation within the regional economy. The Region has a great potential for utilization of renewables. Well-developed agriculture and forestry industries, availability of organic waste are a prerequisite for biogas, methane and biomass production. The decentralized solar electricity generation for heating and cooling is encouraging, too. A very perspective market segment is the realization of waste-to-energy projects through public private partnerships. Countries with a sea outlet have the opportunity to drive forward the blue energy sector and only 40% of the hydro energy sources is developed in SE Europe. The energy systems transformation will need a new grid that combines capacity for high volume transfers and distribute energy with smart power management. Investments for improvement of energy efficiency in private and public buildings as well as in industry are coming - the South-East European countries are developing also strategies for zero energy buildings. The CO2 reduction in transport sector is the other priority issue and in the Region solutions for replacement of the fossil fuels with alternative low carbon fuels are sought. In terms of e-mobility, the South-East Europe is at its early stage and governments are going to stimulate this emerging industry.
Contact: Maya Kristeva: +359 (32) 960 011, 966 813

Clean Vehicles Get More Support In Beijing

Clean Vehicles Get More Support In Beijing
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The Beijing Automotive Group has announced that the Beijing government will be pushing for more clean vehicles to come to the city's roads this year. The city has been showing aggressive support for clean transportation in recent years, hoping to cut down on the emissions that have choked it for some time. Supporting clean transportation aligns with the city's overarching renewable energy goals, which have also begun to take root in other cities throughout China.


According to the Beijing Automotive Group, the Beijing municipal government plans to quadruple the number of clean vehicles that are currently part of the city's vehicle fleet. This will bring some 30,000 clean vehicles to the city, which will be used for various purposes by the government. The municipal government also intends to increase the quota that governs the, encouraging automakers to produce more of these vehicles every year.

Clean Transportation Could Help Cut Down On Severe Air Pollution In Chinese Cities

Air pollution has become a serious problem for Beijing and the emissions that constantly cloud the city have been linked to serious health issues among its residents. The city aims to cut down on air pollution by targeting the transportation sector, where much of the emissions responsible for ailing health come from. In order to accomplish this, the city has been bolstering its electric charging infrastructure to support electric vehicles and has limited the number of conventional vehicles that can be produced and sold every year.

Beijing Launches Initiative To Support The Development Of A Working Charging Infrastructure

Last month, Beijing introduced a new initiative to support the development of a charging infrastructure throughout the city. The initiative provides an investment subsidy of 30% to those that develop charging stations that are available for public use. This is meant to reduce the costs associated with infrastructure projects and help the city's charging infrastructure take form faster than it has in the past several months.

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Friday, 11 October 2013


Failure to Finance Geothermal Desire to Picture Better Obtain (Conception Explode) (Gallantry's Ministry of Move on has released a summarize program on the country's energy goals for 2015, together with items on alleged electricity bring into play, renewable energy and nuclear targets.Electricity generation plants are severe to surge by 6.5 percent in 2015 to a capacity of 74 million kilowatts. The cause a rift of electricity plants using natural gas is alleged to lengthening to 43.9 percent and the cause a rift of plants using renewables to 28.8 percent nearby year.Geothermal projects, being environmentally significant and less than expensive than alternatives, general feeling be supported in notes settlements. The Boulder Poll and Fodder Inhabitant Directorate general feeling establish the uses for geothermal energy and hover the use of geothermal resources.See Supervisor.......