The plant will be the UK 's first zero carbon manufacturing facility.
Cardiff Council has signalled that it wants to make the city a world-class centre for renewable energy technology. The Welsh Assembly government has given much support but the project does not involve any public money.
It is the biggest single investment in Wales since 1999.
The plants's product, thin film dye sensitised solar cells for which G24i has bought the licence, can be made into small plastic foil or film patches for use on clothing or products, or into much larger surface areas up to the size of a roof top. Tthe initial market is expected to be for mobile consumer led products such as mobile phone chargers, smart textiles (incorporating the technology into fabrics), emergency and homeland security applications, MP3 players, laptop computers and handheld game consoles.
G24i plans to begin manufacturing early in 2007. 200 Megawatts (MW) of production capability will be on stream by the end of 2008.
Paul Turney, Chief Executive of G24i, said: "With the tremendous global explosion in the use of mobile electronic devices, there is a huge untapped market for G24i's ground-breaking technology and products that will provide individuals with the opportunity to personally contribute to mitigating climate change on our planet."
> G241
Technorati Tags: Energy; Oil; Environment; ClimateChange