4Q 2013 (Navigant Check up)
"The sensible energy partnership spans a extensive coverage of technologies and products. In sort to advantage a exceptional plan of consumer attitudes about a genus of key issues, Navigant Check up conducted a seek of choice than 1,000 U.S. adults in the light rain of 2013, asking respondents to loan their perpendicular of favorability for key concepts. The seek asked regulars to respond plus their imitation of...Astrophysical energy, Zigzag energy, Nuclear power, Hybrid vehicles, Thrilling cars, Ingrained gas vehicles, Biofuels, Reserved earn, Reserved meters, and LEED endorsement...[Go to 80% of respondents partisan the intention of solar energy, which led all concepts in indebted responses, followed by wind energy (72%). Clients likewise rumored indebted views of alternative fuel vehicles in the company of hybrid vehicles (67%), electric cars (61%), and natural gas vehicles (56%). LEED endorsement showed the negligible perpendicular of favorability (22%), by and large due to low accomplishment of the originate.]..." click all the rage for choice