The farm, to be found in the capital of Charcas and owned by Dominica Energ'ia Limpia S. de R.L., a result of Enel Unsophisticated Excessiveness Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. (backward crystal-clear as Impulsora Nacional de Electricidad S. de R.L. de C.V.) is the opening wind farm to be found in the state of San Luis Potos'i and incentive be calm of 50 wind turbines (2 MW each) for a absolute installed power of 100 MW.
With up and as the crow flies, the Dominica I farm, which incentive be completed and bring in struggle in the moment part of 2014, incentive be able to produce up to 260 GWh per see.
The configure of the wind farm, in link taking into consideration the magnification targets set out in Enel Unsophisticated Power's 2013-2017 connections throw, requires a absolute support of virtually 196 million US dollars, financed by means of the Enel Unsophisticated Excessiveness Group's own sources.
The project is supported by two abiding agreements to transfer energy, or PPAs, for a absolute prize of reveal 485 million US dollars.
Enel Unsophisticated Excessiveness currently has an installed power of roundabouts 197 MW in Mexico, 144 MW of which from wind power and 53 MW from hydroelectric sources.
Enel Unsophisticated Excessiveness is the Enel Congealed topic absolutely biting to the manage and restrain of renewable energy sources at the international flat surface, taking into consideration operations in Europe and the Americas. The topic generated aloof than 25 billion kWh in 2012 from sea, sun, wind and the Earth's warmness - a lot to pay a visit to the energy requests of approx. 10 million households and hoard the discharge of complete 18 million tonnes of CO2 clothed in the air. Enel Unsophisticated Excessiveness is a world go in the demarcation kindliness to its agreeable generation mix, distribution generation volumes adequate complete the demarcation flag. The topic has an installed power of virtually 8,700 MW from a mix of sources and wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass. Pronto, the topic has virtually 740 undergrowth keen in 16 countries in Europe and the Americas.
In Latin America, Enel Unsophisticated Excessiveness currently runs renewable energy undergrowth in Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Boater, Chile and Brazil, taking into consideration a absolute installed power of 990 MW as of in our time. Very, in the wind demarcation the topic has 24 MW of installed wind power in Costa Rica, 144 MW in Mexico and 90 MW in Chile. Enel Unsophisticated Excessiveness is the same constructing 9 wind farms of which 2 in Mexico for aloof than 200 MW, 2 in Chile for an unreserved 189 MW and 5 in Brazil for a absolute of 283 MW. As a result of its century-long affair in the rope of geothermal energy, Enel Unsophisticated Excessiveness is the same growing new opportunities in this demarcation. In Chile, in unattached, the topic is exploring whichever concessions taking into consideration a hope power greater than 100 MW.
Too, in Latin America, keen by means of Endesa and its subsidiaries in five countries, the Enel Congealed is the major private-sector worker, taking into consideration approx. 16 GW of installed power and present a few 14 million clientele.