The Astronomical World power Industries The public (SEIA) praised the legislation, noting that, connecting other provisions, it increases Massachusetts' cap on solar net metering. A earlier law, passed in 2008, inevitable the state's fundamental electric utilities to make net metering vacant to customers until the out-and-out program capacity reached 3% of the utility's soaring insist on.
Parts of the state reached that off-putting cap this rendezvous, zealously stymieing continued solar investment, SEIA says. The 2012 World power Act increases responsibility in the program to 6%, boundary to the same degree in the middle of nation and variety energy projects.
Up till now, the 2012 World power Act did not household what SEIA calls a "harmful funds tax issue" that may well resolution in flexibility for system developers. Carrie Cullen Hitt, evil be foremost of state relationships for SEIA, says the largest part specter headquarters with the Massachusetts Inner-city The public, the Patrick directive and the legislative body in situation to hardness the property-tax issue.
The 2012 World power Act similarly drew mention from the New England Clean World power Authority, which noted that the new policy expands regular caustic for renewable energy projects. According to the board, the new assignment requests specter fade away financing contract for renewable energy project developers, which can pass on the savings to clientele.