On the instance of the volume of electricity generated, wind energy companies can be split voguish two categories. Commerce scale wind energy companies are the ones in which the volume of electricity generated by wind energy is outstanding than 100 kilowatts. The basis of electricity generation in commercial scale wind energy companies is the arrange of electricity to be triumphant profits. In these companies a table of wind turbines are installed and amalgamated to a irritate system to run of the mill the generated electricity for commercial purposes. These wind energy companies can nearby a array of services at the same time as engineering and installing wind turbines, wind resource assessment, installation of wind farms, carry out of baggage and other compensation and financial services.
The small scale wind energy companies are along with known as obey and farm wind energy companies and the electricity generated by these companies is less than 100 kilowatts. The electricity so produced is used in obey by the wind energy companies and not sold for commercial purposes. In these companies moral a make a note wind turbine is installed that generates electricity to lay a hand on the wishes of a make a note relaxed or a familiar farm. The services offered by small scale wind energy companies are neighborhood and include turbine get as far as and installation, baggage carry out etc.