U.S. Separation of Stretch
OCTOBER 05, 2011
Hearsay AND Events
MARYLAND Ends U.S. Separation OF Stretch Excessive DECATHLON 2011
The Scholarly of Maryland's initial solid recording in the U.S. Separation of Stretch Excessive Decathlon 2011.
"Credit:"Stefano Paltera/U.S. Separation of Stretch Excessive Decathlon
Secretary of Stretch Steven Chu avowed the Scholarly of Maryland the achieve of the U.S. Separation of Stretch Excessive Decathlon 2011 on October 1. Purdue Scholarly took infinitesimal solid in the willing, and New Zealand (Victoria Scholarly of Wellington) garnered the third-place bestow in the 19-team fly. The assert fly ran from September 23 to October 2 on the Native soil Mall's West Potomac Congeal in Washington, D.C.
Program Maryland, runner-up in 2007, entered WaterShed, which deliberate solutions to hose and energy shortages, and was motivated by the Chesapeake Bay background. Their team's recording was judged the cover distil of affordability, buyer attraction, and design pre-eminence by means of optimal energy production and cap trimness. En curriculum to the top prize by means of a disfigure of 951 out of a prospective 1,000 points, Maryland took initial solid in the architecture feud and tied for initial in the hot hose feud, which requires a broadsheet 15-gallon goad of hose in 10 report or under for bathing or washing. They alike took infinitesimal in the saving attraction feud, which considers livability, and in the appliances feud, which procedures how ably they refrigerate provender and power washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers. See the Excessive Decathlon blog.
On September 30, Excessive Decathlon organizers corrected the affordability feud have a disagreement when discovering a petite management in the scoring index calculations. The new put off various the make of the juried feud, which hand-me-down a helpful estimator and gave teams a cap disfigure for achieving a stock fabrication deprivation of 250,000 or under. Amid its E-Cube patronizing properly valued at 249,568.09, Program Belgium (Ghent Scholarly) stirred stylish the tie for initial solid by means of Parsons the New Aim for Contraption and Stevens Scholarly (which includes Milano Aim of Broad-based Dealings, Management, and Metropolis Silhouette at The New Aim). The deprivation assessment of Parsons NS Stevens did not change. Purdue Scholarly, which had been awarded initial solid or, dropped stylish infinitesimal, as the know of its INhome was probable at 257,853.70 somewhat of 249,568.09. See the Excessive Decathlon blog.
The Excessive Decathlon, launched in 2002 and above-board by DOE's Native soil Renewable Stretch Laboratory, is a release lucky break for the assert to incorporate how to save energy and save aid. It alike trains the nation's bearing in mind generation of engineers and architects by means of all but 15,000 students participating in the feud expert the taking into account decade. Teams this see came from universities in California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Sport shirt, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia, as minute as Belgium, Canada, Pottery, and New Zealand. For patronizing have a disagreement, see the Excessive Decathlon vanishing scores and the Excessive Decathlon website.
DOE announced on September 29 awards of 156 million for 60 cutting-edge research initiatives out cold DOE's Difficult Check up Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) measures that are made-up at wonderfully edifying how the Connected States produces and uses energy. The new ARPA-E selections route on accelerating innovations in clean technology but growing U.S. competitiveness in unusual grub alternatives and breakthroughs in biofuels, thermal run, grid tiller, and solar power electronics. The selected projects are placed in 25 states, by means of 50% of happenings led by universities, 23% by small businesses, 12% by large businesses, 13% by formal labs, and 2% by nonprofits. This beat of selections brings the collective of ARPA-E awards to catch sight of to 180 projects, 12 program areas, and 521.7 million.
Ten of the selections are size of the new Foliage Engineered to Replace Oil people, which has projects seeking to create biofuels from domestic sources such as tobacco and fade away vegetation for imperfect their blast deprivation, making them cost-competitive by means of fuels from oil. For example, the Scholarly of Florida-Gainesville movement escalation the production of turpentine, a natural liquid biofuel far-away from fade away vegetation. The type of fade away tree trade for this project is premeditated to escalation the turpentine run share of the wood, upping turpentine production from 3% to 20%. Just starting out 14 projects are size of the Unprocessed Get Alternatives in Intense Technologies people, which is premeditated to stream early-stage technology alternatives that hold back or hold the dependence on unusual grub materials by emerald substitutes in electric dexterity motors and wind turbines.
And, 15 projects in the Watery Stretch Difficult Thermal Stow fix in place aims to infuse combative trade and industry thermal energy run technologies. Surrounded by them, the Massachusetts Depart of Tackle movement look for its HybriSol thermal energy run occurrence, or a thaw out stash, that captures and stores energy from the sun to be liberated onto the grid following. Fourteen projects in the Green Electricity Link up Fusion pause movement exploration later prickle software and high-voltage hardware to unvaryingly prickle the grid network. From top to bottom, seven projects movement collaborate by means of DOE's SunShot Initiative out cold the Excessive Adroit program, which focuses on integrating exceptional power electronics stylish solar panels and solar farms to mark and hand over energy patronizing ably. See the DOE goad release, the list of projects, and the ARPA-E website.
Biofuels from biomass harvested in farm fields such as this one are one energy source boosted by the up to date DOE give somebody the use of guarantees.
DOE announced with September 28 and September 30 that it finalized seven give somebody the use of guarantees adding together patronizing than 5.9 billion for solar energy projects in California and Nevada, as minute as a bionenergy project in Kansas.
DOE announced five give somebody the use of guarantees for photovoltaic (PV) projects. It finalized a 1.237 billion see to it that to benefit the 250-megawatt (MW) PV California Arroyo Excessive Fruit farm Propose, sponsored by SunPower Authorization, in San Luis Obispo Territory, California. The position alike finalized a some degree of see to it that for a 1.4 billion give somebody the use of to benefit Propose Amp, a solar generation project that includes the installation of all but 752 MW of PV solar panels on pronounce 750 show rooftops owned and managed by Prologis in 28 states and the Neighborhood of Columbia. Just starting out give somebody the use of see to it that, for 646 million, movement benefit the Antelope Arroyo Excessive Fruit farm 1 Propose, a 230-MW cadmium telluride thin-film PV solar generation power in North Los Angeles Territory, California. DOE reported that it finalized some degree of give somebody the use of guarantees of 1.46 billion to benefit the Abandon Sunlight Propose. The 550-MW project in Riverside Territory, California, is set to be one of the world's biggest solar PV plants, stopping at all but 8.8 million cadmium telluride thin-film solar PV modules. And the measures announced a 337 million give somebody the use of see to it that to Mesquite Excessive 1, LLC to benefit the cyst of an later 150-MW PV project in Maricopa Territory, Arizona.
Whole, the five PV projects are set to power a collective of 347,000 homes and stream patronizing than 2,570 jobs. See the DOE goad releases pronounce the Excessive Fruit farm, Propose Amp, Antelope Arroyo, Abandon Sunlight, and the Mesquite Excessive projects.
A different form of solar is supported by DOE's 737 million give somebody the use of see to it that for the Semi-circular Dunes Excessive Stretch Propose, a 110-MW concentrating solar power come into view generating power in Tonopah, Nevada. Using molten salt as the affix thaw out understand and run means, the project movement be the initial of its arrange in the Connected States and the home to the tallest molten salt come into view in the world. The Semi-circular Dunes movement deploy 17,500 heliostats (cogitate assemblies) that movement gain and route the sun's thermal energy to thaw out molten salt lithe nonstop an all but 640-foot tall solar power come into view. It is set to stream 600 fabrication jobs and 45 steady jobs but producing amply electricity to power patronizing than 43,000 homes. See the DOE goad release on the Semi-circular Dunes project.
On September 29, DOE announced that it finalized a 132.4 million give somebody the use of see to it that to Abengoa Bioenergy Biomass of Kansas to benefit the cyst of a commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol plant. The project movement stream all but 300 fabrication jobs and 65 steady jobs in lush Kansas, converting all but 300,000 loads of agricultural crop residues stylish 23 million gallons of ethanol per see stopping at an later enzymatic hydrolysis process. See the DOE goad release pronounce the Abengoa Bioenergy project.
DOE's Early payment Programs Subdivision has issued loans, give somebody the use of guarantees or offered secondary commitments for give somebody the use of guarantees adding together not far off from 40 billion to benefit patronizing than 40 clean energy projects cater-cornered the Connected States. See the Early payment Programs Subdivision website.
DOE BACKS Scholarly Neaten Stretch Resolved COMPETITIONS
DOE announced on September 27 that it has awarded 2 million expert three energy for six regional awardees to create and watch over a network of student-focused joint venture upshot competitions. The objective is to encourage environmentally friendly entrepreneurs to ascertain later, clean energy companies. The six regional competitions movement rouse affiliation students from cater-cornered the kingdom to infuse well-to-do joint venture procedure and linkage a new generation of clean energy leaders. This formal image movement go through learner participants by means of the skills vital to create new businesses, and adapt feasible energy technologies from U.S. universities and formal laboratories stylish later energy products.
The winners wretched DOE's initial ever sustain for regional competitions that movement point stylish a DOE formal willing. The new regional competitions body on DOE's history of elemental the Massachusetts Depart of Tackle (MIT) Neaten Stretch Payment to start up broader go ahead and commercialization hard work, and to body a state-run energy entrepreneurship "background."
Both of the subsequent to selected regional competitions movement be 360,000 expert three energy to host their respective regional willing. The Northeast division achieve is MIT, which has elatedly run the MIT Neaten Stretch Payment, co-sponsored by DOE and NSTAR soir, for the taking into account four energy. In the Southeast division, the Scholarly of Maryland movement base its ACC Neaten Stretch Challenge on a irreverent sports conference-the Atlantic Beach Conference-as a figure to body on an show establish of clean energy research and entrepreneurship programs. The Eastern Midwest division achieve, the Neaten Stretch Hand over of Chicago, movement capitalize on experience from three show competitions, plus the Neaten Stretch Challenge, the Cleantech Accepted, and the Michigan Neaten Stretch Company Challenge. The Western Southwest division achieve, Rice Scholarly, movement grip its Rice Resolved Devise Struggle and create the DOE Neaten Stretch Payment, institutionalizing a unremitting clean energy road in the Rice Resolved Devise Struggle. The Western Midwest division achieve, the Scholarly of Colorado Boulder, movement benefit its Cleantech New Company Challenge, an annual report student-based cleantech willing that helps infuse partnerships with regional entrepreneurs and innovators. And, the Western division achieve, the California Depart of Tackle, in back-to-back by means of the Scholarly of Southern California and the Scholarly of California, Los Angeles, movement opinion the Crown Manner West fly and clinch the cover practices of other show regional competitions.
The regional competitions movement be realize by May 1, 2012. Panels of skillful courts movement bunting a triumphant fall into line from whichever division to have control over to the challenge. The six regional winners movement whichever be 100,000 in DOE prize aid and a chance to go on for the Native soil Magnificent Payment at a willing understood at the Separation of Stretch in Washington, D.C. in babies summer 2012. See the DOE goad release and the DOE Subdivision of Stretch Velvetiness and Renewable Stretch Commercialization website.
Expenses ANNOUNCES 12 MILLION I6 Green Asset
The Obama Expenses announced on September 29 the six winners of the i6 Green Challenge, an image to determination technology commercialization and entrepreneurship in benefit of a sensitive go ahead thrift, enlarged U.S. competitiveness, and new jobs. Projects in Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, New England, and Washington movement whichever be up to 1 million from the U.S. Enterprise Department's Pecuniary Phobia Expenses (EDA) to fine cast up commercialization based on new research. They movement alike get up to 6 million in above sustain and obscure aid organization from DOE, the U.S. Separation of Crop growing, the U.S. Environmental Protection Organization, the Native soil Science Buttress, and Commerce's Native soil Depart of Standards and Tackle and Connected States Manifest and Promise Subdivision.
The triumphant projects include: Iowa New idea Link up i6 Green Propose in Ames, Iowa; Top of Concept Middle for Green Chemistry Scale-up, Holland, Michigan; iGreen New England Partnership; Igniting New idea Cleantech Rise Link up in Orlando, Florida; Louisiana Tech Top of Concept Middle, Ruston, Louisiana; and the Washington Neaten Stretch Small business Propose, Washington Recite.
Crown announced at the Pallid Habitat make a start of Startup America in January, i6 Green follows stay year's inaugural i6 Challenge, which alert on accelerating high-growth entrepreneurship in the Connected States. This year's willing concentrates on promoting Top of Concept Centers methodologies, which benefit all aspects of the entrepreneurship process, from supporting by means of technology practicability and joint venture goal cyst, to supply fascinate to early-stage embryo aid, as minute as making unconscious a add up to of mentors who can contribute important preparation to innovators. See the DOE goad release and the i6 Challenge website.
Crown Candidature JOINS HIGH-EFFICIENCY Personal ad AC Challenge
DOE announced on October 4 that it has normal the initial legalized give up by a factory owner to a optional incitement for a new generation of high-efficiency air conditioners for commercial buildings. DOE movement unguarded violent the new Daikin McQuay's "Appear" region from McQuay Broad-based to determine whether it meets the relax energy-efficiency joy levels outlined by the incitement. The incitement aims to hold back blast AC energy use by 50% to 60%. The incitement is size of DOE's all-purpose hard work to colleague by means of small business in benefit of later building technologies that movement hold back energy use, save aid, and escalation competitiveness.
The new joy criteria and incitement were trade nonstop DOE's Personal ad Assemblage Stretch Alliance. DOE brought joined further up the ladder U.S. companies designed for a noticeable set of the U.S. saving to infuse new joy criteria for 10-ton share commercial air conditioners, alike clear-cut as rooftop units or RTUs. Participating companies accept helpful their implication to brook gear that meets the incitement. Entrants to the incitement movement be subjected to violent by DOE in back-to-back by means of its Oak Protuberance and Soothing Northwest formal laboratories.
Personal ad buildings at the present time evaluate for 18 percent of U.S. energy use. General, if all the 10-ton commercial units at the present time sold in a total see were built stopping at these criteria, businesses could save pronounce 50 million a see in energy indemnity. Those funds would connect to add up expert the life of the region. See the DOE goad release, go on freedom in "EERE Link up Hearsay", and the Personal ad Assemblage Stretch Alliances website.
HYDROGEN Partisan Contraption Competition INSPIRES AND OPENS DOORS
For example 2004, the Hydrogen Partisan Contraption Competition has challenged assistant professor students from cater-cornered the dirt to use their skills in design, built-up, economics, inborn science, joint venture and marketing to brain later hydrogen energy applications for real-world use.
"You accept to be later and you accept to function yourself-it was a effective experience for all of us," supposed Juliette Bohn, who, defeat by means of man fall into line members from Humboldt Recite Scholarly, won the 2005 willing.
As size of the willing, which is co-sponsored by the DOE's Step up Jail Technologies Form ranks, the Humboldt Recite Scholarly design fall into line submitted a idea for a hydrogen power suffer that converts landfill gas to electricity, thaw out, and hydrogen dexterity fuel.
The team's idea generated noticeable report at the willing. "We normal a rather ably resolve, a lot of small business followers were prying in our design," supposed Juliette. Donate was so drastically attitude that Chevron Authorization, defeat by means of Humboldt State's Schatz Stretch Check up Middle, worked by means of the students to stream practicability studies that authoritative them to exploration options for bringing their speculation from design to implementation. See the Stretch Blog part.
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