'Germany is setting the bar for the production of renewable energy. In the peak partial of 2012, Germany formed 67.9 billion kilowatt hours of renewable energy, a autobiography tall and an wheel of 19.5 percent from the extremely result in conclusive day, according to Reuters. Germany is now producing 25 percent of its power with renewable energy.
Germany's energy industry association (BDEW), imaginary in a report that wind energy was the largest gathering of green power. It accounts for 9.2 percent of all energy output.
Treehugger.com noted that this is equitable one of many milestones Germany is looking to set upon on its track to unique energy efficient. According to German law, renewable energy shall report for 35 percent of the electricity production by 2020, 50 percent by 2030, 65 percent by 2040 and 80 percent by 2050.'
- Stacey Leasca, Germany breaks renewable energy row, July 30, 2012
CONTEXT "2050: At most minuscule 95% have to be renewable energy, pouring club forward."
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