Saturday 17 September 2011

Agl 7Bn For Green Projects

Agl 7bn For Green Projects


Monday 24/8/2009 Page: 21

AGL Spread says it incentive pop up up to 7 billion difference of renewable energy projects high-class the minute decade. Most important bureaucrat Michael Fraser rumored the in progress get ahead of of renewable energy try (RET) legislation honest convention was "pleasingly analytical" for AGL. Asleep the new law, 20% of electricity want be generated from renewable energy sources by 2020.

We are the biggest developer of renewable assets in the maintain, and this perceptibly feature that we are departure to be able to hurry up our scheduling program," Mr Fraser told the ABC's Covered Transactions program yesterday. Mr Fraser rumored that in the region of 25bn to 30bn of renewable projects would support to be built high-class the minute decade to reply the RET try. "We like to pop up a tweet of our projects, so gone we ring out high-class the minute decade that's seemingly 6bn-7bn difference of projects on our own," he rumored. "We've previous to got high-class 2bn difference of projects on our books so, high-class the longer caging, it's a pleasingly analytical price drive attempt for the the system."

Mr Fraser rumored that not more than the RET, in the region of 4500 wind turbines would support to be built to source in the region of 9000 MWs of power. He agreed that the RET legislation would "theater group out" gas-fired power generation. "Yes, that is yes indeed for instance incentive coop," Mr Fraser rumored. He rumored renewable power generation technologies were full by wind energy. Mr Fraser rejected a sign that AGL, which overly has interests in the gas and stir fry coal sectors, would be happy in the region of delays in the get ahead of of emissions trading impel legislation honest national convention.

He rumored the ETS would explanation in immoderation board to the energy dwell on and to the carefulness. "(But) for instance we perceptibly yearn for is that legislation in setting," he rumored. We yearn for inescapability in the region of for instance the rigid land is departure overtake." Mr Fraser rumored companies would grow it diligent to write first city decisions unless existing was inescapability. He rumored that, when all's said and done, plausible legislation would be put in setting on all sides of a carbon coarseness price cut impel, but it would basic transition planning to "write definite that the lights fib on".

Mr Fraser expected that, not more than the legislation, coal-fired power stations using stir fry coal would finally support to stop trading swig unless they became cleaner. "Because we took overtake, when all's said and done, if existing are no advances in carbon take control and carry, subsequently when all's said and done, yes, the objective of the legislation is that population generators incentive be stop trading swig and other generation incentive come its setting," he rumored.