Wednesday 23 July 2014

Solar Panel Installation Cost

Solar Panel Installation Cost

As climate change and green gas effect worsen, drastic changes in the climate and temperature are felt. With this sudden change of climate and temperature, natural calamities like massive flash floods, stronger cyclones and higher intensity earthquakes are more likely to occur. That is why more and more people are trying their best to help the environment by adapting alternative sources of energy like solar panels.

Solar panel is a device used to convert solar energy into electrical energy with the use of photovoltaic cells. The cells collect the sunlight and store the energy into a battery for night use. A solar panel is made of several photovoltaic cells, however the energy produced by the photovoltaic cells are limited that is why most solar panels used in residential areas are made up of several panels. Solar panels can produce 110 kilowatt up to 230 kilowatt depending on the efficiency of the cells.

Solar panels are indeed a great alternative to burning fuel as a source of energy, however SOLAR PANEL INSTALLATION COSTS might be quite steep for some people. On the average, solar panels costs 4,500 to 12,000 depending on the size of the panel; the bigger the panel, the higher amount of energy it can produce. Aside from the panels and the photovoltaic cells, /solar panel installation/ have separate cost, and on the average SOLAR PANEL INSTALLATION COSTS ranges from 2,000 to 4,000. Of course one can choose to install the solar panels by himself, however this is not recommended since there are sensitive parts and installation procedure that can be efficiently taken care of by installation experts.

"Cost of installing solar panels" also covers the installation of other equipments like the power inverter, which converts DC power to AC power. Inverter prices range from 1,000 to 3,000 on the average. /Solar panel installation/ also needs mounting hardware like standoffs, clips and rails to mount the panels properly in the roof or in the ground. It is an important part of the solar panels since the mounts make sure that the panels are exposed to the sunlight in the most optimized way. Mounting hardware price ranges from 800 to 2,000 on the average. Solar panels also need wires, conduits, wiring boxes and other electrical components that costs up to 1,000 on the average. Monitoring and maintenance costs can also add up to the total cost of "solar panel installation".

SOLAR PANEL INSTALLATION COSTS is indeed an expensive investment, but in the long run the investment will be returned since the cost of energy produce by solar panels are lower compared to the energy produced by fuel. Also the federal government is making ways in "minimizing solar panel installation costs" by giving tax incentives to those families that prefers the use of solar panels in their homes. Also by using solar panels, they are sure that they are playing their part in taking care of the environment, which can be rewarding not only for themselves but also for the community.