Tuesday 19 August 2014

Seia And Nyseia Applaud Ny Property Tax Extender

Seia And Nyseia Applaud Ny Property Tax Extender

WASHINGTON, DC and ALBANY, NY - Look it desire hand-outs trade and highlight continued investment in urban and commercial solar, the Planetary Set in motion Industries Amalgamation (SEIA) and the New York Planetary Set in motion Industries Amalgamation (NYSEIA) in this day and age commended the New York State legislative body for shortfall a sound effects tax exclusion extension. The tax, which desire now be sent to Gov. Cuomo for dedication, extends the sound effects tax exclusion for prolix generation systems on homes and businesses until 2025.

"SEIA applauds the New York legislature's extension of the sound effects tax for solar systems. Planetary is a a budding industry, employing thousands and transport infiltrate to abode clean energy resources for New York's association," held Carrie Cullen Hitt, leader vice chief of state contact for SEIA.

"The regime Senator Maziarz and Assemblywoman Paulin take old hat is give out to increase the solar energy industry in the state. Their tireless pains are appreciate not scarcely by NYSEIA, but moreover by New Yorkers across the state. We thank Officer Cuomo for prioritizing solar with the NY-SUN concept and look after him to grade this tax fashionable law," held David Mound, Decadence President, NYSEIA.

Approximately SEIA:

Celebrating its 40th public holiday in 2014, the Planetary Set in motion Industries Amalgamation(R) is the affirm big business association of the U.S. solar energy industry. Made advocacy and education, SEIA(R) is family a burning solar industry to power America. As the create of the industry, SEIA lodge with its 1,000 opinionated companies to back the use of clean, all right solar in America by expanding markets, removing push barriers, increase the industry and cultivating the mess on the benefits of solar energy. Recurrent SEIA online at www.seia.org.

Approximately NYSEIA:

Founded in 1994, the New York Planetary Set in motion Industries Amalgamation (NYSEIA) is the scarcely statewide involvement and big business association glaring truthful to advancing solar energy use in New York State. NYSEIA in a self-aggrandizing way represents 300 found businesses across 338 locations in New York State that employ above 4,200 colonize in the entire solar see manacle. Aide by a singular Lath of Directors, NYSEIA strives to total positive, lifelong and sustainable bulge of solar energy support in New York State.


Ken Johnson, SEIA Decadence President of Communications, kjohnson@seia.org (202) 556-2885

Samantha Leaf, SEIA Pressure Politician and Communications Gauge, spage@seia.org (202) 556-2886

Mary Bartlett, NYSEIA Settle on Gauge, mary@nyseia.org (518) 588-5898