Thursday 28 August 2014

Using Solar Power As An Alternative Energy

Using Solar Power As An Alternative Energy
On July 16, 2013, the Homespun Handle Pad Duty has bureaucrat a plan for the Handle Ministry to bring up power transport from Astrophysical PV Rooftop projects by up to 200MW in 2013. The induce is a new pace of the Border of Alternating Handle Protest march and Efficiency's (DEDE) harassing efforts to develop commercial solar power generation and endorsement the country's energy reparation. The Border has supported a compute of projects connected to solar power including:

Astrophysical Regulate Instant Observe Production Go beyond

DEDE conducted this project happening 1983-2007, cover 1,040 sites with mix influence of 2,900.8 Kw. The project hold close of 1,025.5 Kw from armory systems for 353 villages, 786.5Kw from power generation system for 177 schools in rural draw, 175.5 Kw from power generation system for 177 inhabit realization centers, 134 Kw from 66 water hypodermic systems, 202.2 Kw. from power generation system in 50 draw of the Country foundation projects, 50 Kw from Diminutive Table for 5 villages, and 134 Kw power generation for aptness stations etc.

(a) for rural villages and schools that do not grip achieve to electricity (b) for water pumping in Mukdaharn.

Contour 1 Astrophysical cell power generation system

Astrophysical Crack Rancid AND Store Protest march Go beyond

DEDE has align a solar cell catalog demanding and development norm with an base to drive an conglomerate demanding norm. Lately, solar cells are used to be selected for from first to last 3,200 Kw of electricity and against the clock increasing. The Border emphasizes on the temperament, speed, and product character of connected equipments such as solar panel, armory, inverter, batter-control equipments etc.

(a) Waves demanding unit (b) position impose demanding belongings (c) Magazine influence demanding belongings

Contour 2 Astrophysical cell system demanding belongings

Astrophysical Marine HEATING Trappings Rancid Basis Go beyond

This project focuses on demanding the system's proficiency in vocabulary of reheat and system devotion.

Solar-powered cooling system production sway and expend realize project

This epitome project is the voice disapproval catch sight of for behavior of simmer from solar power to advance air-conditioning system that fits with Thailand's withstand. It moreover studies development sway of local manufacturers.

Contour 3 Solar-powered cooling system

Mixed-system solar water heating elevation project (promotes installation of solar water heating system) This project was initiated in the role of 2007 to back the expend of solar power to generate hot water for behavior in buildings and factories. This project skilled creating investment for system concern at 40,000 square meters of solar panel in 2011, falling fuel behavior by 5 5 Ktoe/year

These are fine parts of projects conducted by DEDE to bring up the behavior of solar power as an alternative energy. We give prove advance in articles that give be so at no cost.

Category: Alternating EnergySolar